Emerge Works

Empowering MedTech innovators TO confront big problems.


Emerge Works is a new consultancy that provides go-to-market support for medtech and healthcare innovators. We helped their founder leverage his decades of experience and unique personality to create a bold, authentic brand identity.



When leaders are building a brand from the ground up, they are free to choose how they present themselves to the world. But what’s the best way to help a client understand why they need a company’s offerings? Effective branding has to show potential clients the challenges they face, demonstrate how the company can help, and attract the right people.


New companies set themselves up for success by building a clear brand identity. For startups with no history to draw from, authentic branding starts with the founder’s story and mission. The founder aligns their beliefs and personality with their company’s brand to maximize their existing credibility and define a clear message and purpose.


We helped Emerge’s founder leverage his decades of medtech industry experience into the company brand. This was the natural next step of his entrepreneurial journey – clarifying his brand, building a customer journey blueprint, and gaining the clarity and confidence he needs to talk to clients and build a support network.


“Anyone can design a sexy logo or website, but as a commercial strategist who launched many healthcare brands, I was looking for a partner who deeply understood brand strategy. Giant Shoulders recognized the challenge of looking at yourself objectively. They helped reveal my core competency and developed a succinct and impactful brand to engage my clients.”

Brian Morley, Founder of Emerge Works



Maximizing a Startup’s Credibility by Leveraging the Founder’s Story

Effective brands are rooted in the core promise and history of their organizations, but new businesses draw credibility and recognition from their founders. Startup founders have to build their company brands from their personal values and beliefs. The challenge is learning how to maximize their credibility and clarify where to go next.

Our Brand Strategy process helps our clients articulate their brand promise and positions them to help customers and partners buy into that promise. We brought Emerge’s founder and several key advisors through this process to help him clarify his personal brand and the credibility he’s already built. Taking the time to tease out the trajectory of his life’s work and beliefs led him to take the inevitable next step of his career with confidence.



Using Pop Culture Analogies to Translate Strategy into Design

The art of effective brand design lies in connecting your audience with your strategy in a relatable way, and sometimes pop culture analogies provide a useful tactic for that translation. Emerge’s founder found inspiration in an unlikely place: Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings, a crafty, wise, hands-on guide. This is how the founder framed his relationship to his clients.

By analyzing this character’s personality, we landed on several key brand traits — stable, bold, extraordinary, with an element of surprise. These identifiers became the starting point for bold, confident branding.

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The result is a visual and verbal brand positioned to stand out in the healthcare industry. Emerge is already committed to helping clients understand their pain points and figure out how to make their innovative medtech products desirable for the right audience. Our work with Emerge co-created a visual identity that doesn’t just say they’re different, but shows it.


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Brand Strategy & Positioning

Brand Identity

Communications Strategy

Web Design

Project Team

Tino Chow / Brand Strategy

Sarah Rabinovich-Pratt / Brand Identity + Web Design

Mike Valdes / Project Producer

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